Seeking help from Rahima Foundation?

We provide limited financial assistance and help with groceries to qualifying residents of San Francisco Bay Area. We currently have limited resources to help those living outside the Bay Area. We are also not a shelter and do not provide housing. We provide food to anyone who needs it. However, in order to be considered for financial help from Rahima Foundation, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Live in the San Francisco Bay Area (South Bay, North Bay, East Bay)

  2. Complete our Application for Assistance form (available at our office or via email, or regular mail). We finalize the year’s budget by the end of January every year.


    1. Picture ID (Driver’s license or California ID card)

    2. Proof of legal status:

      1.  I-94 (Refugee Card)

      2.  Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)

      3.  US Passport

      4.  Certificate of Citizenship



      1. CalWORKS (Cash AID) approval letter

      2. Food Stamps approval letter

      3. Social Security Letter: SSI or Disability

      4. Most recent pay stubs

Blue silhouette of California’s shape. The Bay Area is highlighted by a dark blue circle.

After you have gathered the necessary documents, please come to our office to receive the application in person or ask us to mail you the application.

Please note that we will not process incomplete applications (missing information, missing signature, and/or missing documents listed above).

It typically takes 7-10 business days after the receipt of a completed application to determine if you qualify to receive help. The nature and extent of help we will provide depends on your demonstrated need and availability of funds in our annual budget. Please follow up after 7 days to learn the status of your application, if you have not heard back from us.

Please contact us here.